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Digital advertisement created by VML, Poland for The Ministry of Health Poland, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Zenonade is the only relaxing drink on the market, which is full of energy drinks. It has one small disadvantage. Zenonade has never been tested, so no one knows what relaxing effect it has on people. That is why our new communication recommends to drink it at your own risk. Film advertisement created by Lowe, Czechia for Zenonade, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by LOLA, Spain for Líbero, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by Cossette, Canada for Public Mobile, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Fast Horse, United Kingdom for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Digital advertisement created by FCB, Canada for Canadian Down Syndrome Society, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United Kingdom for Boots, within the category: Retail Services.


Shazam! The number 1 box office hit has inspired real life heroes in Brazil, using the film to raise awareness and to about the adoption and sponsoring of at risk youths in Brazil In the last 95 years, Warner Bros. Pictures has told stories of superheroes: Batman, Robin, Superman, Shazam. In addition to their superpowers, these characters have something else in common: they were raised outside their birth families. There are approximately 9,500 children and adolescents up for adoption in Brazil. As Shazam! is one of the most anticipated movie launches this year, why not use the fame and the life story of Shazam! to raise awareness and inform people about the adoption and sponsoring of youths? "Meet a real-life superhero" is a project created by J. Walter Thompson Brazil that began as extra content to Shazam!'s official trailer. At the end, a youth from a shelter called "real-life superhero," invited people to learn more about his superpowers and to sponsor these children and adolescents in shelters. For more information, simply visit, the website for the Brazilian foster care institution. On the site, one can see the story of 3 real-life superheroes: Super Actor, Super Nice and Super Empathy. In partnership with the São Paulo Court of Justice and nine foster care institutions, 80 young people watched the premiere of the film Shazam!. The premier was a success. The second largest television network in the country was there to cover the event. "Meet a real-life superhero" generated much debate on a topic that is rarely addressed. Integrated advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Shazam!, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by Digital Republic, Egypt for Axe, within the category: Health.


Film advertisement created by BMF, Australia for Sportsbet, within the category: Gambling.


Outdoor advertisement created by Lapiz, United States for Mexico Tourism Board, within the category: Transport.


For the last 10 years, Snicker’s base line campaign has been « you are not yourself when you are hungry ». Today, in collaboration with CLM BBDO, the brand goes to the extreme deliberatly put Bounty bar inside Snickers packagings. Immediately the story spread around on twitter with the hashtag #Snickersgate. Snickers lets the story go around for 24h before revealing the hoax in an ad signed « We're not us when we're hungry ».

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