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Film advertisement created by The Marketing Arm, United States for Goodyear, within the category: Automotive.
"When Donald Trump was running for president, the New York Times published a list of every place he insulted on the campaign trail. When he got elected, I decided to embrace the new political landscape and insult him 282 times right back, one for every item on that list.
To rediscover the pleasure of conversation is priceless. MasterCard, along with Warsaw restaurants, encourages in an unusual way to "taste life" and spend priceless moments with your loved ones. Ambient advertisement created by Isobar, Poland for MasterCard, within the category: Finance.
Despite a year of lockdowns and restricted travel, Australians have become even closer to their local communities, businesses and neighbours. While the pandemic has been isolating, it’s also had the effect of bringing people closer together and has fostered a collective mentality. Google products - from local business listings to Maps - have helped to play a role in this. To tell that story, Google tapped rising star Director Sanjay De Silva from production company, DIVISION. The simple story of a young woman out shopping is captured with the distinctive style De Silva has become known for, with immersive camera techniques and visual playfulness. Paired with music by Chris Valentine, the resulting film is a swagger-filled story told through community interactions. The delightful twist- that she is shopping to support an elderly neighbour- is a celebration of the resurgence of community spirit, and how the Google tools you use every day can help you help others. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Australia for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Vangardist, a leading German/English language men’s monthly invited its readers to take a hands-on approach to ending the social stigma surrounding HIV. To coincide with one of the biggest HIV events in the world - Life Ball - which takes place every year in Vangardist’s home town of Vienna, all 3,000 copies of its Spring issue were printed with ink infused with HIV+ blood donated by three individuals living with the HIV virus. Whilst the magazine has been produced according to the most stringent controls and using processes developed according to guidelines established by Harvard and Innsbruck University, ensuring that the handling of a physical copy of the magazines carries no risk of infection, and is 100% safe; the debate and discussion around the magazine and the issue it highlights has already been significant. Direct advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Switzerland for Vangardist, within the category: Media.
Why is it necessary to include the word “black” to find black people pictures on search results? This is what the NGO Desabafo Social is questioning in the experiment #SearchForEquality (#BuscaPorIgualdade, in Portuguese) addressed to the largest image banks in the world – Getty Images, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStock Photos. The movement #SearchForEquality has engaged millions of people in Brazil in only a week making Google, Shutterstock and Depositphotos to discuss how to change their algorithms globally. Digital advertisement created by WE, Brazil for Desabafo Social, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Renault, within the category: Automotive.
Campaign website: Digital advertisement created by Lowe, South Africa for Organ Donor Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Smart and simple advertising campaign to announce that Hertz now have dog cages fitted in their hire cars. Ambient advertisement created by Pool, Sweden for Hertz, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by BMF, Australia for UN Women, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by DDB, Belgium for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.
Outdoor advertisement created by Alma, United States for Sprint, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, Netherlands for Axe, within the categories: Health, Music.
Digital advertisement created by Union, Canada for Mount Pleasant Group, within the category: Professional Services.
Film advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for The American Cancer Society, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Integrated advertisement created by BBDO, Canada for M&M's, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.
Film advertisement created by Wunderman, Singapore for Schick, within the category: Health.
Film advertisement created by DDB, Netherlands for KLM, within the category: Transport.