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Digital advertisement created by Publicis, Brazil for The Noite, within the category: Media.
One of India's largest online furniture stores, Urban Ladder opened its first physical store in July 2017. These radio spots were released to let people know of our on-ground presence.
Easter is a time that for many means spending time with family and friends. But some decides- or are forced to stay at home, resulting in being alone during Easter. For a hifi lover, temporary loneliness doesn’t neccesarily have to be a bad thing, though. It could actually be an opportunity. It could be approached as a time when you can listen to whatever you want, as loud as you want. Film advertisement created by Backroad, Sweden for Pause Ljud & Bild, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Ukraine for Letgo, within the category: Professional Services.
Movistar’s 4G LTE network allows mobile users to experience the Internet at a speed up to ten times faster than that offered by the 3G network. In collaboration with Polish audiovisual artist Filip Piskorzynski, Movistar takes a free and sensorial approach to the concept of “elevating” your possibilities with this technology. Piskorzynski, who resides in Germany, shot this material in Burkina Faso, Hamburg and Brussels along with the art of Belgian dancer and actress Natalia Dufraisse. The result is a stop motion campaign made up of over 1200 photos. Film advertisement created by Y&R, Peru for Movistar, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Digital advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for Moen, within the category: House, Garden.
Digital advertisement created by Iris, Singapore for Earth Hour, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, Netherlands for Lynx, within the category: Health.
Film advertisement created by OSG, Finland for The Swedish People's Party of Finland, within the category: Professional Services.
Just Dance - You never know someone until you dance with them - Film Bill
Proud to be working together at Air All Blacks. #CrazyAboutRugby
Film advertisement created by Walk Digital, French Polynesia for Fundacja Integracja, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Sra Rushmore United, Spain for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Havas, Australia for Australian Defence Force, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by BBDO, Spain for Sanex, within the category: Health.
Against a backdrop of nuclear programs, forced labor camps, and an infamous, brutal dictator, thousands of North Koreans make their escape. Their stories go largely untold – a cause that people across the globe could actually affect. So, we needed a new way to break through all of the noise coming out of North Korea – a way that flips the script and gets people talking about the North Korean refugee crisis. So, we enlisted the help of the glorious leader himself, Kim Jong-Un. Kim Jong-Un took to major job search sites and announced unlimited job openings in North Korea – job openings that anyone in the world could apply for. In case anyone doubted Kim, we populated his LinkedIn profile to include achievements like his sanctioned nuclear plants and child labor programs and also a commercial for his recruitment campaign. For his cabinet, Kim got on Twitter and hand-selected his picks – picks like Leonardo DiCaprio as the Minister of Environment. But, in the end, every applicant was actually redirected to a landing page for Liberty in North Korea, a non-profit aimed at helping North Korean refugees. LinkedIn shut down the campaign after seven days. But, in those seven days, donations to LiNK were up 427% with new visitors contributing 42% of the total. Over 50 news outlets picked up the story further expanding our reach. Best of all, we did it with virtually no spent media. Digital advertisement created by Part Time Lab, United States for Link, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
The story begins on what appears to be a hermit waking up in the woods from a really long sleep. He staggers around groggily, plunging himself into a nearby pond. This begins his rebirth as it were. The musical score builds throughout as he bursts out of the water. He then proceeds to shave off the beard with a Base Camp X axe. Hair flying everywhere, he transforms himself into a clean-cut businessman ready to take on the rigors of the world outside of the forest. Of course his cellphone buzzes, revealing over 10,000 new messages…just like the rest of us after a great weekend escaping reality.
There's much more to life than just sex. There’s bowling too. And that is what friending app Ricochet got right. Everything starts with a common passion and ends in sex and lust. So goes the story of this new brand film created for them by Gloryparis. The tone is romantic, matched with a British voice that could come straight from a cheap love story novel. The sexually suggestive positions take the audience on a red herring until the true nature of Ricochet is revealed: let’s create social links between people. Film advertisement created by Gloryparis, France for Ricochet, within the category: Electronics, Technology.