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Film advertisement created by Spark44, United Kingdom for Jaguar, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Dentsubos, Canada for Morinaga, within the category: Food.
Trade inspires ideas to travel, drives businesses to grow and enables people to prosper. Trade accounts for roughly 60% of global GDP and it’s the pulse of the global economy. In a series of short films Maersk, the world’s No 1shipping group, salutes the traders. Meet David and Sefa, Emma & Claire. Content advertisement created by Green Cave People, United Kingdom for Maersk, within the category: Professional Services.
Between fake news and malfunctioning AI devices, we hear more things said with authority that don’t sound quite right. So we created a character and a spoof that we can extend almost indefinitely across situations and media platforms. Film advertisement created by Greatest Common Factory, United States for SafeAuto, within the category: Finance.
When it comes to professional sports, your input might count for more than you think. Film advertisement created by The Creative Circus, United States for Fox Sports, within the category: Media.
To promote the Taco Sub, Subway Norway launched a set of innovative pre-roll ads for Youtube. The Taco sub is, thanks to the cracking noise from its nacho chips, the first sub ever to make an distinguished sound when you eat it. To better illustrate The Sub with a Sound, McCann Stockholm built a narrative around "Good cracks vs. Bad cracks." Good crack obviously being the nacho chips. The three adverts, specially tailored for Youtube's True View format, all show a Taco Sub and other items getting crushed by the sheer power of the hydraulic press. The result? Not only does Subway tap in to the Youtube phenomena of hydraulic presses; they also show that, when done right, even a film about a sandwich can become truly unskippable. See for yourself. Film advertisement created by McCann, Sweden for Subway, within the category: Food.
Most internet-savvy folks are aware of the Urban Dictionary, with its colorful, street-smart definitions of curious slang terms. Now, Lawn Doctor wants to introduce you to “The Suburban Dictionary.” Out in these suburban streets, our shorthand is all about keeping your lawn “on fleek” (or so to speak). The video series rolls out this month and will run through mid-summer as targeted programmatic digital video. Digital advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for Lawn Doctor, within the category: House, Garden.
America loves guns and burgers. While both passions need fire to come to life, shooting often ends up taking lives and leaving permanent regrets behind. With on-going debates of gun control among the violence and accidents that just keep happening, we decided to turn shooting craze into a fuel that fires up flame-grilling passion in many people. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Burger King, within the category: Food.
An #ImPerfect initiative against fake online facades The Swedish insurance company Länsförsäkringar started a successful movement towards fake online facades that are causing low self-esteem and anxiety among teenagers. How? By turning influencers into human billboards – with a message against their own perfectionism. Social media is damaging the mental health of Swedish teenagers due to constant comparisons with influencers and unattainable ideals. Länsförsäkringar, who in various ways are helping young people to grow and believe in themselves, wanted to shine a light on this and help teens see beyond all fake online facades. But teens wouldn’t listen to an insurance company… The problem became the solution Länsförsäkringar hijackaed superficial venues – several major Swedish fashion events – and joined forces with the people causing the problem: influencers on front row. They became the solution, wearing the #ImPerfect t-shirt they turned into human billboards with a contradictory message against their own perfectionism. Teenagers closest online relation was used to change social feeds, making flaws and individuality the new ideal. A new subject in schools The human billboards disrupted teen’s social feeds overnight. Within days all major national media covered the story. Major celebrities/influencers such as actors, rock stars and designers joined the movement. Länsförsäkringar also launched the ImPerfect web series, introducing a new subject in schools: Social Media Behaviour. The initiative got 40 million organic reach (4 times Sweden’s population) and 65 % recognition (100% above business target). And the topic continues to be on the agenda for a healthier Sweden. Film advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Länsförsäkringar, within the category: Finance.
By utilizing TOMS' one for one business model, Send The Message is a campaign that tells the stories of how the civil war took away the education and childhood of Syrian refugee children. Each of their hand-stitched messenger bag will help provide funding for their education through double shift schools. Film advertisement created by College for Creative Studies, United States for Toms, within the category: Retail Services.
Film advertisement created by cummins&partners, Australia for MADC, within the category: Professional Services.
Film advertisement created by Quirk, United States for Cove, within the category: Health.
While many period stigmas and misconceptions stem from centuries of baseless taboos and lack of education, even women in developed countries with adequate education systems feel shame and an inability to talk about periods. This proves that period shaming transcends culture and society. Unfortunately, it is universal. Because of this, issues associated with menstruation such as period poverty exist with its victims unable to speak out and seek help. We were tasked with undoing period stigmas and change the way the world talks about them. Connecting Periods encourages period positive language amongst people who were already trying to become more effective and impactful communicators by partnering with Grammarly. The millions of daily Grammarly users make mistakes such as misusing periods or forgetting them altogether. We saw that as an opportunity to raise awareness on societal shaming of periods, encourage period positive language, and literally position periods as a normal topic of discussion that doesn’t need to be euphemized or hidden. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Grammarly, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Professional Services.
ISA is celebrating its 25 years anniversary with the launch of the #PeoplesOfTheForest campaign to boost support for the indigenous, Quilombola, riparian and extractivist communities who are resisting attacks on their rights and the destruction of their lands. The peoples of the forest have a message for the Brazilian government, politicians and the business community. To prospectors, loggers, squatters and other invaders of their lands: "we will continue to resist." This is one of the main messages of the #PeoplesOfTheForest campaign, which Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) and its partners in the indigenous, Quilombola, riparian and extractivist communities are launching this Tuesday, April 23, online, on TV and in cinemas. The campaign is asking for people to support the fight to protect Brazil's environmental heritage and is advocating for the rights of indigenous tribes and traditional populations. Young people, women, medicine men, chiefs and shamans. The protagonists for the #PeoplesOfTheForest campaign are 25 leaders from nine indigenous tribes in the Amazon, from Quilombola communities in Vale do Ribeira (SP) and from riparian communities in Terra do Meio, Pará. With their strength and beauty, the campaign honors the diversity of the people living in and protecting the forests, reminding us that it is the forests that regulate the climate, produce rain for farming and house the planet's largest biodiversity, a potential source of new medications and cures. Film advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Instituto Socioambiental, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ideas Festival is the biggest intellectual festival in Ukraine. The festival has changed a lot, so organisers wanted to refresh and implement new vision and ideas into the festival’s visual identity. When we started looking for a new symbol of ideas, we didn’t want to use cliche associations like lamps or mind bubbles. We’ve conducted a small research and found-out, that people themselves are the best metaphor for ideas. Because people are those who create, share and implement ideas in real life. Profiles of real people have become the main element of branding: they communicate on a live brand pattern, share their experiences with each other. A Greek-style font resembles the Greek roots of the word “idea”, and peoples’ profiles remind us of pictures of ancient Greek thinkers. Design advertisement created by ONCE, Ukraine for Ideas Festival, within the category: Professional Services.
Film advertisement created by CrazyTown, Iraq for Moonline, within the category: Professional Services.
Opioid overdose has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and the stigma tends to blame the victim and ignore the problem. Our idea is to show how this drug makes you dependant after 7 days of taking and we will partner with Sundance Festival to promote the first campaign that will be featured as short film in their ceremony.
Together with Lincoln and GTB, electriclimefilms has produced three inspirational films reflecting the perspectives of three entrepreneurs, while incorporating captivating visuals of a thriving Middle East to promote 'The Lincoln Aviator’, which launched in December in the Middle Eastern and North African regions. The tone of these stories are thoughtful and inspiring, grounded in the notion of the Aviator as an incubator — a space for these characters to be themselves and to think freely as they go forward on their path. The three films were shot on an Alexa Mini Large Format motion picture camera, paired with Zeiss Super Speeds lens — a vintage spherical lens that flairs beautifully, providing a cinematic look and glimpse into the journey of each entrepreneur. Running footage was shot in the scenic mountains and the city skylined streets of Dubai - the use of a tracking vehicle ensured steadiness to the refined visuals and a sense of scale worthy of the Lincoln Aviator’s confident form. Film advertisement created by GTB, United Arab Emirates for Lincoln, within the category: Automotive.
Overview In 2020, after months of inactivity, soccer returned to only two countries, Denmark and Costa Rica. However, the matches happened behind closed doors. That is why Gatorade, the official sponsor of Deportivo Saprissa, looked for a way to unite people with their team. Idea Using the video calling platform ZOOM, fans connected with the soccer players, creating a virtual Gatorade stadium with giant screens in the stadium bleachers, becoming the first in the world to use this dynamic to attract the fans. Outdoor advertisement created by CreativeDrive Latam, Costa Rica for Gatorade, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Star Alliance, the world’s biggest airline alliance, which includes the likes of Lufthansa, United and Singapore Airlines as some of their members, has released its latest brand campaign launching with a hero film that celebrates connecting the world once again. The campaign celebrates Star Alliance’s 26 member carriers’ ability to bring the world back together again, highlighting the relationships of friends, family and loved ones that we have so badly missed over the last 18 months. The brand film captures multiple occasions of that raw emotion people feel when they finally get to see each other, one connection at a time. The campaign will run globally in press, digital and social channels, and airport placements. Integrated advertisement created by Atomic, United Kingdom for Star Alliance, within the categories: Hospitality, Tourism, Transport.