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Film advertisement created by Armando Testa, Italy for Alfa Romeo, within the category: Automotive.
Digital advertisement created by PS10, Brazil for Vital Implantes, within the category: Health.
Childish advertising from the bank of IKEA. The target group for the advertising is small businesses that want to develop, but lack the funding. Traditionally advertising towards business owners features good-looking models, posing in flashy offices, boasting about their own success. Ikano Bank chose to focus on the feeling of being too small in the world of business. Instead of regular models, a group of one-year-old babies were dressed in costume made business suits and adult wigs. Film advertisement created by Doe Blomberg Gottberg, Sweden for Ikano Bank, within the category: Finance.
Film advertisement created by Caldas Naya, Spain for Caixa, within the category: Finance.
Direct advertisement created by Accademia di Comunicazione, Italy for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Wieden + Kennedy, Netherlands for Milka, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.
Direct advertisement created by Gyro, United States for Bennison, within the category: Fashion.
Film advertisement created by TBWA, Australia for Foxtel, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Digital advertisement created by Casanova Pendrill, United States for Oasis Art Center, within the category: Education.
Film advertisement created by DDB, Spain for Audi, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, United States for Toyota, within the category: Automotive.
Ambient advertisement created by Brother Ad School, Argentina for Avon, within the category: Health.
Film advertisement created by BBDO, United States for ADC, within the category: Professional Services.
Depuis près de 10 ans, Snickers® (marque appartenant à Mars Wrigley) signe chacune de ses campagnes « T’es pas toi quand t’as faim ». Aujourd’hui, en collaboration avec l’agence CLM BBDO, la marque pousse la rhétorique à l’extrême et a volontairement introduit des Bounty®dans des emballages de Snickers® pour faire croire à une erreur. Face à la surprise, des internautes ont réagi sur les réseaux sociaux sous le hashtag #SnickersGate.
Snickers® a laissé le bruit se répandre pendant 24h avant de révéler la supercherie dans un film publicitaire créé par l’agence CLM BBDO.
CLM BBDO & The Economist communiquent pour la première fois en France en télévision avec le film : Le Rouge
Développée par CLM BBDO, la nouvelle campagne TV de St Hubert Oméga 3®, à l’antenne à partir du 6 Septembre, met en avant le rôle de la marque comme partenaire de la bonne santé cardio-vasculaire des Français.
Pour des millions de filles, l’école s’arrête quand commence leur vie de femme.
L’ONG CARE France et CLM BBDO lancent une campagne de sensibilisation sur les règles.
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