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Integrated advertisement created by LRXD, United States for Honey Smoked Fish Company, within the category: Food.


Purely iconic is a journey along 20 years in which Serial Cut™’s creative process is deconstructed in a very conceptual fashion. Film advertisement created by Serial Cut, Spain for Serial Cut, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Finding reliable health information online can be a challenge. Searching for symptoms often leads one down a confusing path to paranoia. gives you unbiased medical information from real doctors. No hysteria, no drug pushers, no premature funeral planning. Integrated advertisement created by The Creative Circus, United States for Mayo Clinic, within the category: Health.


Before the Internet, there was a much better source for getting different perspectives on everyday problems. It’s pronounced “buuk.” Outdoor advertisement created by The Creative Circus, United States for US Public Libraries, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by Acne, Sweden for Telenor, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Outdoor advertisement created by 358, Finland for Helsingin Sanomat, within the category: Media.


CHALLENGE: Buscofem is a leading brand of menstrual cramps drug in Brazil. Despite their leadership on the market, we were challenged with further increasing brand awareness and sales numbers, while also turning Buscofem into an important player in the digital environment, converting new users and engaging customers to increase loyalty. /SOLUTION So, we’ve created a movement called #mypainmatters to bring women’s pain to light, with especial focus on menstrual cramps. Using data collected through social listening and a national survey of Brazilian women (in partnership with the Sophia Mind institute), we discovered that most women suffer through menstrual cramps. Most importantly, they’ve had to miss out on activities, school or work because of their menstrual symptoms and have had their pain dismissed by others. We gave these women a voice by writing a song using the data collected in the survey, as well as creating an interactive website with key research findings, bringing light to a real social problem, at work and in their personal lives. We’ve launched the music video for the My Pain Matters song on International Women’s Day along with other materials, and used the support of bloggers and influencers to help spread the word. /RESULTS Buscofem has now the biggest fanpage in the healthcare segment according to SocialBakers® and, despite a challenging landscape, sales have increased 19% during the campaign resulting in 68% of market share in the menstrual pain category. The campaign reached over 75% of 18 to 34 year old women, 40% through paid media and the other 35% through word of mouth. Digital advertisement created by IPG, Brazil for Buscofem, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


BMO, proud sponsor of the MLS Montreal Impact, wanted to give back to the soccer community. We exchanged the fans’ old jerseys for the team’s new ones, then gave a second life to the collected jerseys, where it counted. Film advertisement created by FCB, Canada for BMO, within the categories: Finance, Sports.


The music video captures ‘the spirit of Harlem’ and works perfectly as a promo for the bike by packing an authentic, cultural punch. To keep the feel very real, the casting took place on the street, via Instagram, and by tapping into the Ferg crew, which encompasses visual artists, stylists, dancers, musicians and more. Film advertisement created by Herc, United States for Redline, within the categories: Automotive, Recreation, Leisure, Sports.


Problem: STIs are at an all-time high, and GenZ isn’t using condoms. Keep it Poppin: Most teens don’t carry condoms because they’re too ashamed of being caught with a condom by someone they’re interested in. Because there isn’t a worse turn off than someone “expecting” sex. We will hack GenZ’s habit of always carrying their phones everywhere by giving them specially designed pop-sockets that discreetly hold condoms inside of them. This simple idea adds value to the already widely used pop-sockets by further equipping them to hide condoms in plain sight. The Poppin pop-sockets will save teens from potential embarrassment, as well as STIs by ensuring they always have condoms on hand. Literally. Design advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Durex, within the category: Health.


Film advertisement created by TBWA, United States for Apple, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


A new sea food brand was created and put on the shelves of supermarkets in Anapa, a coastal city. However, instead of actual food there was a rubbish, caught in the sea off the coast in Anapa. A sea cocktail of tins, Black sea mix of plastic bottles, cigarette stubs as sea bulls and a seafood salad with plastic bags – all this could be found on the shelves in shops during the campaign which ended with a city-wide community work day. The design of the package was created using the most frequent rubbish found in sea – plastic bottles, cups and bags, cigarette stubs and tins. This rubbish was put through a linocut after being colored with typographic colors. Final images were photoshopped and used in the packaging. Integrated advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Bloknot Anapa, within the categories: Media, Public Interest, NGO.


The band might end. But your Kuba Headphone will continue with you because all parts are replaceable. Film advertisement created by Agencia3, Brazil for Kuba Audio, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Integrated advertisement created by BBDO, United Kingdom for Guinness, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Krow, United Kingdom for DFS, within the category: House, Garden.


Digital advertisement created by Left Productions, France for Deliveroo, within the category: Food.


The youth today loves to travel. They are always ready to pack their bags and head out. The only thing that they never pack is a condom. Durex wants these wanderers to carry a condom with them on all their adventures. So, we turned Durex condoms into little pocket-passwords for free Wi-Fi hotspots, or as we call them, d-spots. d-spots are placed at locations most frequented by youngsters. Youngsters can simply scan a Durex condom to connect to a d-spot, thanks to object recognition technology. Go ahead young ones, we’ve got you covered. Integrated advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Durex, within the category: Health.


Chill is something you can’t explain, you can only feel it. Anyone has a right to chill, even the most efficient people on the planet (and in space). Today everyone is talking about productivity so we need someone who would say: “Stop working. Start chilling!” and would hand you a bottle of Garage, right from the fridge. Film advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Baltika, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.

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