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Film advertisement created by Ampfy, Brazil for Iguatemi, within the category: Retail Services.


This is an incredibly warm and even summer story as opposed to the nasty December, people in sweaters and down jackets. During the month when everyone wants to get out of the country into warm lands, we want to make sure that the viewer has a desire to cuddle up to the TV from the outgoing summer heat of the picture. The cruise is presented to the viewer by Santa Claus as the travel agent. Santa leads us to the deck and liners cabins, which symbolize the benefits of the tariff and unlimited Internet. Situations in the scenario are tied to the product benefits of the tariff plan and the promotional offer. The main advantages are: MTS TV, MTS Cinema, MTS Music and unlimited internet. Film advertisement created by Grey, Belarus for MTS, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


An adventure of a group of children to take a little baby to get vaccinated. A journey through African culture colored with joy and vibration in a fantasy and playful world where only a child could imagine. This is the first time that Guinea Ecuatorial have an animation campaign in TV. We create a unique fantasy world and original story and visual using African culture, exploring the exotic and beautiful graphics and patters from there. Everything to make appeal and convince young mothers to bring her babies to vaccinate. We mix fantasy, 3D and 2D graphics. Film advertisement created by Animare, Brazil for Unicef, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by N=5, Netherlands for Aidsfonds, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The hero is obsessed with an idea of having big inch TV in his house. Film advertisement created by Cheil, Ukraine for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Digital advertisement created by M&C Saatchi, Italy for BMW, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Motive, United States for RAM, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by CrazyTown, Iraq for General Electric, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


O’boy is a chocolate powder brand that is very popular in Sweden. When the production halted because of a technical fault at the O’boy factory we saw an opportunity for the ready-made Norwegian chocolate milk brand Litago; We decided to send emergency chocolate milk aid to Sweden. Since the swedes was i an outrage because of the O’boy shortage they received the help with open arms. And we established ourselves as a playful brand that knows how to take advantage of the the friendly but competitive relation between Norway and Sweden. Experiential advertisement created by Something Good, Norway for Litago, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by M&C Saatchi, United Kingdom for Fujifilm, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


A letter, two friends, a world of sounds to remember. An hearing aid can be the solution. A friend's advice can really change your life. Film advertisement created by Auge Headquarter, Italy for Amplifon, within the category: Health.


easyJet started flying to Ibiza from Portugal for the first time. Being this an island known for its parties, we wanted to reassure our passengers that what happens in Ibiza, stays in Ibiza. How? Creating a t-shirt which material reflects the camera's flash, preventing any photographic record. Direct advertisement created by Uzina, Portugal for EasyJet, within the category: Transport.


Film to promote the release of Barrett®'s military contract AR10 platform, the REC10™. Since the rifle would actually be used in theater overseas, we wanted the story of soldier and rifle to be told in the most authentic way possible. We used real marines and special operations forces to both be on screen and off making sure every scene was authentic and true to how it might be in the field. We wanted every frame to feel dusty, grimy, with no escape to any semblance of comfort. We filmed on the Canon® C700™ and had to have it bagged in every scene because of the amount of dust and debris we kept putting in the air. All of the action scenes were shot with the shutter over-cranked as well to give it that frantic look made famous by Saving Private Ryan. Filming took place in central Utah in the middle of December. There was no snow on the ground miraculously, but it was a struggle to have the locations read hot in camera. All-in-all, we had an incredible cast, crew, and client that really made our vision for this spot come to life. Film advertisement created by Riot, United States for Barrett, within the category: Retail Services.


We commissioned Spoken Word Artist, Kyprios to compose a poem explaining the difference between a house and a home, to help launch the new RE/MAX campaign: Home Sweeter Home. Film advertisement created by Elevator, Canada for RE/MAX, within the category: Professional Services.


Hundreds of years after its inhabitants left planet Earth behind, two scientists return for the ultimate mission of rediscovering life.


Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Arla, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


UK Celebrity Jenny Éclair breaks the taboo of vaginal dryness by showing how to use Vagisan MoistCream. Film advertisement created by Driven, United Kingdom for Vagisan, within the category: Health.


A girl dreams of becoming a pro athlete, and with the help of her father, she’s accepted into a professional track club. Now the girl must leave her father and the only home she’s ever known to pursue her dreams. When she arrives at the club, she discovers a surprise gift from her father – an iPlace package containing an Apple Watch and a pair of Airpods. In the middle of her first training session, in the exact moment when she feels most tired and most alone, she receives an audio message on her Apple Watch. She plays the message and hears the familiar voice of her father reminding her that we must always run after our dreams. In that moment, she’s no longer alone, and she has the will to keep running. Film advertisement created by Morya, Brazil for iPlace, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

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