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Pendant la période du confinement, CLM lance L'oeil Un regard qui vise à vous transmettre des instantanés pour considérer l’actualité sous un nouveau prisme. Un regard sur les gens : parce qu’on a tous une façon différente de vivre cette période mettons-nous à la place des gens de leurs problématiques et de leurs nouvelles aspirations Un regard sur les industries : parce que chaque métier est différent, comment chacun réagit face à la crise sanitaire ? L’oeil de : parce que l’on a tous un avis personnel sur cette crise, 5 questions posées à une personne, du métier ou pas, pour nous éclairer.
Film advertisement created by BBDO, United States for ADC, within the category: Professional Services.
In a protest against the way refugees are being treated we turned the danish jewellery law around and asked people to donate their own jewellery in support of the refugees. Ambient advertisement created by Good Morning, Norway for The Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by Willem de Kooning Academie, Netherlands for Twitter, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
The commercial’s protagonist is a man who realizes that his life has changed dramatically the last few months… and how he’s - much to his own surprise - loving everything about it. This change is a sum of big and small choices he made, including his choice for the new Outlander PHEV. Film advertisement created by True, Netherlands for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
The global campaign aims to inspire and educate every runner to get faster. The simple message is with ASICS Flytefoam, 'Don't run, fly'. Digital advertisement created by 180 Amsterdam, Netherlands for ASICS, within the category: Fashion.
Digital advertisement created by GefenTeam, Israel for Kimberly-Clark, within the category: House, Garden.
In their latest ad, the Norwegian pharmacist Vitus took on a monumental project: to document the development of the human skin through an entire lifetime. In just 60 seconds. People come in all ages, shades and shapes. Vitus’ mission is to help everyone feel comfortable in their own skin and meet whatever changes they may face in the future. After all, we are all living proof that the only thing constant is indeed change. This project set out to document just that. The result is a film with no less than 101 women from age zero to one hundred portrayed completely natural and without any retouching. Put together in a stop motion fashion the spectator is taken on a journey through generations and ultimately a time-lapse of an entire lifetime. Film advertisement created by POL, Norway for Vitus, within the category: Pharmaceutical.
Between fake news and malfunctioning AI devices, we hear more things said with authority that don’t sound quite right. So we created a character and a spoof that we can extend almost indefinitely across situations and media platforms. Film advertisement created by Greatest Common Factory, United States for SafeAuto, within the category: Finance.
DAf’s video for Diablo was created as part of the global launch of this new red blend from the Casillero del Diablo range. A stand-alone product, the visual language for Diablo needed to firmly situate the product outside Casillero del Diablo’s existing branding. To achieve this, the video invites younger wine consumers to a new world, in which rich sensory elements interplay with allusions of premium, underground experiences. Film advertisement created by DAf, Chile for Casillero del Diablo, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
2019 Clio Juror: Paola Figueroa Experiential advertisement created by Dentsu Aegis Network, Mexico for Fumerac, within the category: Health.
Project Trumpmore is aiming to demonstrate climate change in a monumental way. A Finnish NGO wants to commission a 115-foot tall ice sculpture of Donald Trump’s face in the arctic region to demonstrate that climate change is happening. The project was launched in April and has since managed to gather enormous international media attention and spark conversion about the topic. Only a small part of the population is active in the public discussion on environmental issues. The goal was to change that. With Project Trumpmore we wanted to generate discussions about global warming. Film advertisement created by SEK, Finland for Melting Ice Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Billboards Beyond Borders broke new ground by using a loophole in Google Maps to create a new type of impactful advertising, by replacing existing messages on big billboards in countries where freedom of speech is under threat, with messages from journalist that had been censored or silenced. By rethinking digital advertising and repurposing Google Maps, we made a global statement on a zero media budget, and opened up new possibilities for marketing in a world where the line between physical and digital is increasingly blurred. Our billboards gave people all over the world the possibility to walk around in a world more free than the one we live in. Digital advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
In a world where increasing pressures are born behind screens, it's easy to let problems manifest. German Triathlete, Liz Kellerer, takes us to the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands to show us how wild swimming can help lead to both a healthy body and mind.
“Surreal is real in dementia” is an awareness campaign designed for Enable Foundation Hong Kong, an NGO creating a cultural model for better understanding of dementia symptoms. The campaign visualizes common dementia symptoms besides the most well-known symptom of memory loss. It comprises videos, animated icons, print and posters. Integrated advertisement created by Michele Salati, Hong Kong for Enable Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Lucy Loves Stories, Finland for Helsingin Sanomat, within the category: Media.
Film advertisement created by TBWA, United States for Chicago Comedy Film Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
As a follow-up to Il Makiage’s “100% high maintenance” launch, we’re digging deeper into what being a makeup maximalist really is. Our integrated campaign empowers women to find their signature looks and MAKE (UP) THEIR MARK with Il Makiage by highlighting the idea that makeup helps women stand out. Our ads pay homage to the icons in history and pop culture whose makeup has become their signature mark and encourage women to be equally daring and unapologetically bold - to find their marks and make their statements. Integrated advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Il Makiage, within the category: Beauty.
Integrated advertisement created by BBDO, United Kingdom for Guinness, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.