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Film advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for, within the category: Professional Services.


Despite the fact that nowadays family compositions and the roles within are changing, many women continue to be responsible for all logistics and decision-making in the home. This is why 71% of them suffer from mental load compared to only 12% of men. This is reflected in the study carried out on P&G's Próxima a ti website. As its name suggests, mental load is an invisible burden created by the constant mental effort, assumed by those responsible for what happens in the home. The person who carries this load is generally the one who ensures that everything is working correctly within a family. This doesn't mean that tasks are not being shared between the couple, but the responsibility tends to fall to the woman to coordinate and ensure that the day to day needs are met. Confronting this situation, P&G working with Proximity Madrid has developed the #descargamental (#MentalDownload) project. It has involved carrying out a study, interviewing over 2,400 people, men and women, between the ages of 25 and 49, living as a couple, with or without children, across Spain, and covering the issue of daily responsibilities in the home. You can see the results via this link As well as the study, P&G carried out an experiment to demonstrate the problem. They asked 5 couples with different profiles to make lists of their mental tasks in the notes app on their mobile phones. The couples then swapped phones and read each other's lists aloud. The result was striking. The men's notes related to their work and focused on personal matters, while the women not only had more items on their lists, but the majority of these were closely linked to the household, showing the inequality in responsibilities between them. You can watch the full experiment here: The idea is for the #MentalDownload project to be the first step towards changing this imbalance. The aim is to contribute to the recognition of this reality and create spaces for fraternity and empathy between couples. Thus, through the website Próxima a ti, a platform for helping families in the 21st Century, P&G provides a guide for identifying the division of responsibilities in the home as well as advice from experts to make their daily tasks more manageable. In short, the website seeks to address the issue of mental load, to raise awareness in society, to promote #mentaldownload, and help families at every stage of their lives. Digital advertisement created by Proximity, Spain for P&G, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Electronic Engineering & Physical Computing: Alejandro Kruchowski Ambient advertisement created by +Castro Innovation, Argentina for Quilmes, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.



Film advertisement created by McGarrah Jessee, United States for Shiner Beer, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Shazam! The number 1 box office hit has inspired real life heroes in Brazil, using the film to raise awareness and to about the adoption and sponsoring of at risk youths in Brazil In the last 95 years, Warner Bros. Pictures has told stories of superheroes: Batman, Robin, Superman, Shazam. In addition to their superpowers, these characters have something else in common: they were raised outside their birth families. There are approximately 9,500 children and adolescents up for adoption in Brazil. As Shazam! is one of the most anticipated movie launches this year, why not use the fame and the life story of Shazam! to raise awareness and inform people about the adoption and sponsoring of youths? "Meet a real-life superhero" is a project created by J. Walter Thompson Brazil that began as extra content to Shazam!'s official trailer. At the end, a youth from a shelter called "real-life superhero," invited people to learn more about his superpowers and to sponsor these children and adolescents in shelters. For more information, simply visit, the website for the Brazilian foster care institution. On the site, one can see the story of 3 real-life superheroes: Super Actor, Super Nice and Super Empathy. In partnership with the São Paulo Court of Justice and nine foster care institutions, 80 young people watched the premiere of the film Shazam!. The premier was a success. The second largest television network in the country was there to cover the event. "Meet a real-life superhero" generated much debate on a topic that is rarely addressed. Integrated advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Shazam!, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by Digital Republic, Egypt for Axe, within the category: Health.


Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, Netherlands for Lynx, within the category: Health.


Pizza and pinneapple don't go together. Animation, fiction and documentary, do. Film advertisement created by Snoop, Spain for Mecal, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.

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