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Film advertisement created by Breaks, United Kingdom for Dr. Martens, within the categories: Fashion, Retail Services.
No other nation loves Donald Duck as much as the Finns. Even today, in the world of Netflix, YouTube and mobile phones, almost 1 million Finns read the Donald Duck magazine every week. Film advertisement created by Bob the Robot, Finland for Donald Duck Magazine, within the category: Media.
Film advertisement created by Unitas, Canada for Seagram, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in young men. It’s a subject matter that leaves many guys embarrassed. But if we lessen the stigma and get more guys talking about their nuts, well that’ll save many more lives. In fact, if testicular cancer is caught early enough, men have a 97% chance of survival. #LetsTalkBalls Film advertisement created by Giants & Gentlemen, Canada for Testicular Cancer Canada, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Westlake wanted to grow its younger adult customer base but struggled to connect with younger adults, who have a one-stop-shopping habit of returning to the same big box stores for hardware needs. They knew they would need to update the brand’s tone and look a little to connect with this demographic, but didn’t want to lose the brand’s core—centered on expert assistance and friendly service. To reach this goal, Bozell pitched a social media campaign for the Halloween season about zombies. Digital advertisement created by Bozell, United States for Westlake Hardware, within the category: Retail Services.
Outdoor advertisement created by Biborg, France for Netflix, within the category: Media.
Skating might not be the best thing on earth for your shoes. When skating, one of your shoes gets normally the worst part, while the other one remains almost intact. We wanted to give these survivor-shoes a good purpose, donating them to people that really need them, so they don’t end up thrown away along with their destroyed pair. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Nike, within the category: Fashion.
Outdoor advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Claro, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Google is investing a lot into its Google Cloud business and wants to attract enterprise consumers (and compete against Amazon Web Services that currently has a dominant market share). Google challenged Herezie to reach high-profile CEOS of huge companies in order to introduce them to its superior cloud offering. Herezie came up with a brilliant idea that uses data in a creative way and relies on a very non-digital medium to sell a digital product: books. But not any book. A book that tells the future of your professional life. How does it work? A boatload of data was fed into Google Cloud that was able to predict from it what the next ten years of a CEO would look like. Herezie then teamed up with a renowed publishing house and expert ghostwriters to pen unique biographies of ten CEOs of the largest firms in the country. An esteemed economist also wrote the foreword for each book. And only one copy of each book was produced that was hand delivered to each CEO. Imagine the surprise they got when they received their future biography. That's a heck of a salespitch. Direct advertisement created by Herezie, France for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Marking the back to school term, Preventable together with BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation and the District of West Vancouver have launched an optical illusion geared to making drivers slow down at high-risk intersections. The optical illusion of an illustrated girl chasing a ball has been placed on the road northbound at 22nd street in West Vancouver. There are signs leading up to it saying "you're probably not expecting kids to run out on the road" to prepare drivers. The installation is meant to draw attention to the risk of children running into the street and was carefully tested before being put in place. It is in place for a few days only and is being monitored as a pilot to ensure pedestrian and driver safety are not risked. The illusion rises up gradually from about 100 feet away as not to surprise drivers, and it fades away by the time a driver approaches. Ambient advertisement created by Wasserman, Canada for BCAA, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Content advertisement created by BBDO, United Kingdom for Guinness, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Baldwin&, United States for KIOTI Tractor, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.
Film advertisement created by FCB, Portugal for Turismo de Portugal, within the category: Transport.
To inspire more people to sign up to teach, DfE want to highlight the unparalleled role teachers play in shaping the lives of the students they teach. To make the message authentic, the spot stars Addison Brown, a real teacher from Bedford High School in Leigh, Greater Manchester. Film advertisement created by Havas, United Kingdom for The Department for Education, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Ponce, Argentina for Axe, within the category: Health.
Maes is Belgium’s second most popular beer but also Belgium’s 3rd most common surname. So since there is no joy in being second Maes beer gave a free barrel of Maes to all the people with the name Maes. They just had to sign up on Facebook, choose a pub and share the date – and their beer – with all of their friends. The campaign was created by TBWA and broke quite some records. The Facebook fanpage made it into the 6% most active pages worldwide, 1 out 20 Belgians visited the website and the amount of fans tripled in 1 day. Ambient advertisement created by TBWA, Belgium for Maes, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Cossette, Canada for Public Mobile, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Integrated launch campaign for REMIX, the online tool that allows you to customise you own pair of Ray-Ban. Film advertisement created by RXM, United States for Ray-Ban, within the category: Personal Accessories.
Today many men use their bodies as a canvas. It’s a way to express yourself and show who you are. This can’t be disturbed by all-over body hair or rashes after shaving. Thanks to NIVEA Men the new art of body shaving is fun, hassle-free and without skin irritation. The campaign is based on the fact that 74% of Swedish men regularly or occasionally remove body hair. 42% of Swedish men (age 18-55) have a tattoo. That makes Swedes the most tattooed people in the world. Film advertisement created by FCB, Sweden for Nivea, within the category: Health.