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10th anniversary celebrating & empowering women through 10 statements. Monki is owned by H&M and is a global fashion brand for women. #Monkifesto is a value-driven campaign empowering women all over the planet. This is a bold and important campaign containing 10 statements delivered by 10 brilliant and edgy women – Kiran Gandhi, Karley Sciortino, Rita Popova and many more. It's OK to masturbate (we all do it). It should be ok to be gay or transgender. It´s NORMAL (painful and messy) to have your period. It´s OK to be a drama queen. The campaign boosts Monki's target audience to believe in themselves and to go their own way. Our deliverables contain communication concept, creative direction in collaboration with Monki and photo and film production. We took the content; the ambassadors and the statements and made them the actual visual language for the campaign. Creating all the set design and typography by hand on banners, flags, and signs. Digital advertisement created by Snask, Sweden for Monki, within the category: Fashion.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United Kingdom for Persil, within the category: House, Garden.


KLM teamed up with fellow Dutch brand Heineken in search of bold adventurers from across the world. In bars around the globe, people ordering a Heineken were asked if they would like an “Orange Experience” to go with it. For those brave enough to find out more, the people had to be willing to complete several challenges to see if they were worthy of the invitation, such as singing ‘Oranje Boven’, a Dutch folk song in a packed bar. Those adventurous enough to complete the challenges were rewarded by immediately being flown out to Amsterdam with a friend to join in the epic King’s Day celebrations.


Film advertisement created by H-57, Italy for Quercus Books, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by Camp Jefferson, Canada for Koodo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Red Urban, Canada for Hudson's Bay Company, within the category: Retail Services.


Blink Digital designed KFC Bucket Bae, a Valentine’s Day robot that unites chicken lovers with the bae of their dreams. The robot not only follows the consumer but also talks to them. When it comes to satisfying your love for KFC, Bucket Bae’s got you covered, offering a Hot’n’Crispy bucket of chicken goodness, a chicken popcorn bouquet, and a Krushers drink too. Yet, what really sets Bucket Bae apart is the built-in sensor that allows the robot to follow you everywhere, as true love does. Film advertisement created by Blink Digital, India for KFC, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by Forsman & Bodenfors, United Kingdom for iZettle, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Publicis, Philippines for Globe Telecom, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Havas, New Zealand for Budget, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by M&C Saatchi, United Kingdom for Ballantine's, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by We Are Social, France for Renault, within the category: Automotive.


Online edit: De Grot / Film advertisement created by Eigen Fabrikaat, Netherlands for, within the category: Professional Services.


Experiential advertisement created by The Garden, Canada for DanceSafe, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Direct advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Ukraine for Andrey Lobov, within the category: Professional Services.


Camaieu didn’t wait for inclusion to become a buzzword; they’ve been offering fashion for all women, regardless of style, age, morphology or purchasing power since 1984. Well established on the French territory with more than 500 stores, Camaieu is the ready-to-wear brand closest to French women. Their mission is to offer to all women ways to feel good, pretty and strong on their day-to-day, regardless of their way of life. As the years went by, the French brand has created loyalty with its customers by offering: superior quality at an affordable price and diverse styles within feminine fashion that’s easy to wear daily, to give them self confidence as well as pride in their own personalities. Integrated advertisement created by Buzzman, France for Camaieu, within the categories: Fashion, Retail Services.


Digital advertisement created by Grey, Malaysia for The Body Shop, within the category: Retail Services.


Why is it necessary to include the word “black” to find black people pictures on search results? This is what the NGO Desabafo Social is questioning in the experiment #SearchForEquality (#BuscaPorIgualdade, in Portuguese) addressed to the largest image banks in the world – Getty Images, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStock Photos. The movement #SearchForEquality has engaged millions of people in Brazil in only a week making Google, Shutterstock and Depositphotos to discuss how to change their algorithms globally. Digital advertisement created by WE, Brazil for Desabafo Social, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Wieden + Kennedy, United States for Old Spice, within the category: Health.

Showing 25 out of 122