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Digital advertisement created by Integer, Italy for Sony, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by BMF, Australia for UN Women, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Renault, within the category: Automotive.
To raise awareness about the importance of physical activity among seniors, the French Cardiology Federation invites them to adopt a dog with humor! Launched in judicious association with the SPA (the French animal welfare association) this campaign is based on a film that compiles skits featuring dogs messing up everything in their paths. But no matter what it drools, stinks, loses his hair, barks all the time, or destroys your flowers... It can save your life. Film advertisement created by Havas, France for French Federation of Cardiology, within the categories: Professional Services, Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Rosapark, France for Thalys, within the category: Transport.
Film advertisement created by GSD&M, United States for Lee Jeans, within the category: Fashion.
In history textbooks, there are not many women's names. We heard about the actions of Skoropadsky, Kotsyubinsky, Bandera, but we have not heard anything about their wives who had a direct impact on their husbands, and as a result on the politics of Ukraine. Such depreciation of women’s role has led to the fact that 70% of men in Ukraine are convinced that the woman's place is in the kitchen. Decision To draw attention to the problem, we chose well-known "male" surnames (Bandera, Skoropadsky, Kotsyubinsky) and told the story of women who stood behind them. Our idea was a unique packaging design for a limited batch of condensed milk. One hundred sets were sent to the leading Ukrainian media, bloggers and opinion leaders. Results The bold choice of surnames attracted the attention of 189 Ukrainian and 73 Russian media. The number of fans of the “Ichnyansky dairy and cannery” page on Facebook has increased by 1200%. The project with a budget of $ 14.69 covered 26,820,589 users. Design advertisement created by Tabasco, Ukraine for Ichnya, within the category: Food.
To illustrate the tagline “Small engine, big fun,” the spot capitalizes on the seven-seat sub-compact van’s quiet engine. All sound effects in the commercial were created solely by human beat boxing. Film advertisement created by Commonwealth, Thailand for Chevrolet, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Bensimon Byrne, Canada for Svedka, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
URL: “Filming the sun, using the sun.” The annular solar eclipse crossed Japanese archipelago for the first time in hundreds of years.This remarkable event was live broadcasted, using only the solar energy, from the closet place to the sun, the summit of Mt. Fuji, the symbol of Japan. All of the power used for the live broadcasting was generated from Panasonic's solar energy system. Ambient advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Panasonic, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.
At TVF we have created a nice campaign for Best Buy UK ( called the “Ultimate Football Men Cave” for watching England playing this summer. The cave has got all a man need to stay home and watch football matches but...Well the cave misses something. Viewers will be asked to post in the comments what they think can be added to the cave, and the user that will post the Best answer will receive everything in the list of things we have put in the man cave in time for the start of the World Cup. Film advertisement created by The Viral Factory, United Kingdom for Best Buy, within the category: Retail Services.
No drama, we split it. Whites and Yolks separated in cartons. Film advertisement created by Staff, Brazil for Fleischmann, within the category: Food.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United States for IBM, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Nail, United States for Summit Natural Gas, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.
SFX Supervisor: Boris Frey FX Artists: Ben Fox, Nathan Diehl Film advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for Benjamin Moore, within the category: House, Garden.
Digital advertisement created by John St, Canada for Miami Ad School Toronto, within the category: Education.
Everybody is sick and tired to hear about condoms. So MTV created a new concept that goes straight to the point: #USEITDICK. The campaign contains three films: Male Mermaid, Jumping Jacks and Tennis Player. Each one shows idiot doubts about condoms and the answer always comes from MTV: #USEITDICK. Literally. Film advertisement created by Loducca, Brazil for MTV, within the category: Media.
Film advertisement created by Engine Group, Australia for Evocca College, within the category: Education.