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Film advertisement created by Zulu Alpha Kilo, Canada for ParticipACTION, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden for Volvo, within the category: Automotive.


Digital advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Miyako Island, within the category: Transport.


In Ukraine every year takes place Ukrainian Marketing Forum, where advertising professionals and clients analyze what is done and where to move next. Every year it has the main theme, this year’s theme is every brand should have its own convictions and every brand should have to prove it, to act, not just mouth empty words. Less words - more works. We clearly demonstrated this principle with the help of two one-hour commercials. If you are, for example, a ketchup brand and you told us that your ketchup is made from selected tomatoes, you have to prove it - to pick these tomatoes carefully. If you are a consumer electronics retailer and you told us that you have the best selection of smartphones, you also have to prove it. Yes, it is boring. Yes, it is routine. Yes, it is not interesting. But it is important. After all, the times when words had a meaning passed. Today only deeds matter. And today, every brand must understand this. So, less words. Film advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for Ukrainian Marketing Forum, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Baldwin&, United States for KIOTI Tractor, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


The CCXP is an event in Brazil in the format of a Comic Con. But more than this, it's a pop culture event. In Brazil, part of the population reject the terms "geek" and "nerd". Many people do not like to be defined by these terms. Our goal was to make people realize that they too are a bit of a geek. We've created an almost 6 minutes short film with 60 references/easter eggs from movies, series, games, comics and animes that are well know by people. The short film refers to Street Fight, Game of Thrones, Naruto, Back to the Future, Stranger Things and many other geek culture classics. Well, better than just talking about the film, it's inviting you to watch it. It is impossible not to recognize at least one of the references. In less than 48 hours our content managed to make 2.2 million people on Facebook and 70, 000 on Youtube stopped what they were doing to watch our 5:46 minute film. In a time where less than 79% of Internet users watch more than 15 seconds of a video on the internet - according to Year in Review Institute. Let’s not forget to mention the 48 thousand likes and more than 18 thousand shares. And what make us even prouder, is that in 2017 CCXP turned out to be the biggest Comic Con in the world.


Film advertisement created by Rocknrolla, Guatemala for Adrenaline Rush, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Tweet the Blues was a Twitter based campaign created to introduce the Mp3 generation to the blues and increase awareness about the 2012 Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival. Digital advertisement created by Spring, Canada for 2012 Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by Wax, Canada for Feeding My Family, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Brothers and Sisters, United Kingdom for Sky Sport, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by DDB, United Kingdom for Virgin Media, within the categories: Media, Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by TBWA, United Kingdom for Lidl, within the category: Retail Services.


Digital advertisement created by Campfire, United States for Infiniti, within the category: Automotive.


Experiential advertisement created by Geometry Global, Czechia for Salvation Army, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Grey, United States for NFL, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Zulu Alpha Kilo, Canada for Zulu Alpha Kilo, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


On farms all over Ireland, farmers are dying. The reason is that after spending decades on the farm, they just don't notice the dangers any more. This campaign explores this. That just as the smells or dirt on a farm slowly disappear over the years, so too do the dangers that are killing farmers all over Ireland. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Ireland for The Health and Safety Authority, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Cerveza Arequipeña and Ogilvy Peru paid tribute to those who left in pandemic and created “EL REGRESO” to commemorate Day of the Dead. "When I die, let them bury me in your ground, and some day, under the sky, some flowers will grow," reads "El Regreso" (The Return), an emblematic song of Arequipa that is like the second hymn of the city. Inspired by these lyrics, they developed an unbeatable initiative: they planted 6,638 flowers on behalf of loved ones who are no longer with us and created "The Return Garden" to fulfill the most longed-for dream of those who left us: to live eternally at the foot of the Misti, the imposing volcano that accompanies the city of Arequipa. Film advertisement created by WPP, Peru for Cerveza Arequipeña, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Jandl, Slovakia for Jandl, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.

Showing 37 out of 118