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Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Italy for Dompé, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


LG wanted to promote their new generation of Smart TV's and announce it In a viral way. The solution we gave them was a candid camera prank. The “victims” were husbands that came with their pregnant wives to an ultrasound scan they will never forget. For the prank we recruited several pregnant women and a real and very "cool" doctor that agreed to cooperate with us. During the ultrasound scan, the smart fetus that was shown on LG screen, interacted with his parents using a variety of gestures which Extorted from the stunned fathers a real excitement and very funny reactions. Digital advertisement created by TBWA, Israel for LG, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Digital advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Mesocare-Plus, within the category: Health.


Film advertisement created by TBWA, Netherlands for Fluke, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


Seven lives are lost to home fires every day in the US – more than all natural disasters combined. In an effort to change these statistics, the American Red Cross is launching “The Great Escape,” a PSA aimed at educating families on home fire safety. This campaign focuses on preparing families with two simple steps: Practicing a 2-minute fire drill, and Testing smoke alarms monthly. To bring this message to life, the work features a surreal universe where toys have come alive and are practicing a timely evacuation from their dollhouse—a scene which we later realize is a figment of one child’s imagination. Integrated advertisement created by BBDO, United States for American Red Cross, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for Seek Thermal, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Renault, within the category: Automotive.


Slavery, Isis, beheadings and crucifixions. Just a few of the nightmares Syrian families are fleeing their homes from. In just three days, Turkey took in more Syrian refugees than Europe has in three years. Violence from the Assad regime has forced ten million people from their homes - that’s half the country - and more than 3 million out of the country itself. There are now 3.3 million refugees, and over half are children. Syria’s neighboring countries have bore the brunt of the war's effects by taking in millions. But now, they can’t keep up. In some of the poorest communities in the Middle East, the strain on resources has made life unbearable. Lebanon has welcomed 1,600,000 refugees, swelling its population by 36%. While at last count the UK had only resettled 54.



Film advertisement created by Milk, Lithuania for Valdorfo, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by DDB, United States for WATERisLIFE, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Experiential advertisement created by Graphene, Chile for Latam, within the category: Transport.


Film advertisement created by KBS+, Canada for World Vision, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by R&R Partners, United States for NHL, within the category: Sports.


Film advertisement created by Innocean, United States for Finish Line, within the category: Retail Services.


Gatorade helps replace what you lose in sweat, we created a vending machine that makes you earn your Gatorade with your sweat. The machine encouraged users to first work up a sweat by doing any physical activity like running or jumping jacks and then stand in front of the machine. If a user is sweating enough, the machine automatically dispensed a Gatorade! We used Thermal Imaging to assess a user’s body heat. When it reached a pre-determined threshold, the machine dispensed a Gatorade. Ambient advertisement created by Dentsu, India for Gatorade, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Länsförsäkringar, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, United States for Chicago Latino Film Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Digital advertisement created by Pitch, United States for Weingart, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Pendant la période du confinement, CLM lance L'oeil Un regard qui vise à vous transmettre des instantanés pour considérer l’actualité sous un nouveau prisme. Un regard sur les gens : parce qu’on a tous une façon différente de vivre cette période mettons-nous à la place des gens de leurs problématiques et de leurs nouvelles aspirations Un regard sur les industries : parce que chaque métier est différent, comment chacun réagit face à la crise sanitaire ? L’oeil de : parce que l’on a tous un avis personnel sur cette crise, 5 questions posées à une personne, du métier ou pas, pour nous éclairer.


Film advertisement created by CP+B, United States for Letgo, within the category: Professional Services.

Showing 37 out of 122