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Direct advertisement created by Noah's Ark Creative, Nigeria for Boko Halal, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Domestic abuse is a longtime problem in Italy. A 2012 United Nations report called it "the most pervasive form of violence" in the country. Former Prime Minister Enrico Letta called it femicide—the killing of women at the hands of current or former lovers.
Duolingo's mascot Duo is known for appearing in fun push notifications on users' phones reminding them of study time. To prove just how far the little owl is willing to go to encourage and help the students, the platform projected the world's largest push notification (with a size between 10 and 15 squared meters) on buildings in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to give them that 'push' to resume their streaks (counted in the app as the number of days in a row a student completes assignments). After a search and posts asking for fan recommendations on the brand's social media profiles, some users were chosen - from more than 500 responses with nominations from all regions of the metropolis - to receive the giant personalized notifications. The surprise was organized with the help of family and friends, who were responsible for taking the students to their apartment windows. Outside, they found fun and customized notifications for each profile, projected on the sides of neighboring buildings, making them impossible to ignore. Experiential advertisement created by Jotacom, Brazil for Duolingo, within the category: Education.
Film advertisement created by The Fuel Agency, Australia for Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
“Nyantomo Cat Litter” supports the health control of your beloved cats. It is possible to detect urological diseases, which often occur in cats, through urine. Urine and feces are important messages sent out by cats. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Japan for Kao, within the category: Pets.
Digital advertisement created by Humanaut, United States for Blowfish, within the category: Pharmaceutical.
The campaign was created to encourage women victims of violence to go to police stations to report their aggressors. Research shows that many women who suffer domestic violence do not report because they feel they will not be heard or respected by the police. To undo this perception, the commercial presents a woman's report (based on actual testimony), highlighting the reactions of the delegate, which reflects the suffering of the victim. Thus we convey the idea that delegates have the empathy and sensitivity to help women victims of domestic violence. Film advertisement created by D/Araújo, Brazil for Adepol SC, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Integrated advertisement created by McCann, United States for MasterCard, within the categories: Finance, Public Interest, NGO.
Here are the press advertisements as well. Campaign 1: JBS Mens Underwear Rugby, JBS Mens Underwear Shave, JBS Mens Underwear Sofa. Campaign 2: JBS Mens Underwear Nurse, JBS Mens Underwear Maid, JBS Mens Underwear Nun, JBS Mens Underwear Secretary. Film advertisement created by &Co, Denmark for jbs, within the category: Fashion.
Digital advertisement created by DDB, Netherlands for KLM, within the category: Transport.
The film starts with an idyllic realm of babbling brooks and relaxing background music. What we see next are 3 pandas performing tai chi on stepping stones, the scene getting more and more soothing. What follows is a cut to more real and familiar surroundings where we see a baby having had Sudcorem applied and looking visibly soothed. The voiceover by Kathy Burke reads ‘ahh that was soothing wasn’t it’. Cut to end frame with a range of pack shots balanced in perfect harmony as though they’re pebbles. Film advertisement created by McCann, United Kingdom for Sudocrem, within the category: Health.
Ambient advertisement created by OpusMultipla, Brazil for Detran PR, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Johannes Leonardo, United States for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Editing Company: Whitehouse Post London Mix: Ed Downham Digital advertisement created by Cheil, United Kingdom for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
São Paulo has a significant number of homeless people on the streets. Even so, many public shelters remain with empty beds every day. Sometimes for a noble reason: they don’t want to abandon their dogs, not accepted in those places before. Now, the new units accept and guarantee space for the pets, but their misinformation left the beds still empty, while hundreds of people continue to sleep on the sidewalks. To change this reality and talk with this so specific target, who don’t have smartphone, social media profile or frequent access to the tradicional media, São Paulo City Hall decided to create a new communication channel, with a direct impact to the homeless people. Inviting 5 different street artists, they transform the roof of viaducts, place that only homeless people can see – and exactly at bedtime –, in a direct and effective media. Each artist (Galo, Randal, Pixote, Thassio and René Muniz) has had complete freedom to impress their own style on their graffiti, once it made clear that the new public shelters were dog friendly and nearby. For that, the agency had studied the best dimensions, position of the drawing, feasibility and all security measures. Like every street artwork, the 5 graffiti will be available indefinitely, depending on external factors independent of the public control. The main goal is that the biggest possible number of people in vulnerable situation and their dogs have the opportunity to sleep and dream with comfort, safety and dignity. Outdoor advertisement created by NovaS/B, Brazil for Sao Paulo City Hall, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Glow, Germany for Blush, within the category: Fashion.
If Brandon Crawford weren't a player, he'd be the associate manager of a local health food store and a die-hard SF baseball fan. Film advertisement created by McCann, United States for San Francisco Giants, within the category: Sports.
Words hurt, even if it’s just online. Cyberbully is a grave matter all over the world, even so in Bangladesh where 47% of the nation’s growing online culture has faced some form of cyberbullying. To address this issue, we’ve created an anti-cyberbullying campaign for Grameen Phone/Telenor, the largest mobile operator in Bangladesh. Grameen Phone’s massive customer base and presence as a trustworthy national brand makes them perfect for this campaign to be highly impactful. Often, online forms of violence are not considered consequential or problematic, leaving many anti-cyberbullying messages to be ineffective. Our campaign addresses this head on by drawing shocking parallels between cyberbullying and physical torture. The graphic depiction of online violence in such visceral fashion instantly draws attention to the issue while also establishing a coherent message – cyber violence is just as real as any other kind. Grameen Phone’s campaign is the first step to combating this issue. Further collaborations with Bangladesh’s national ITC division are underway to take this campaign forward and create a hotline to address cyberbullying. Film advertisement created by Mediumrare, Bangladesh for Telenor, within the category: Electronics, Technology.