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Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Brazil for Skol, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Zulu Alpha Kilo, Canada for Interac, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United Kingdom for Boots, within the category: Retail Services.


Digital advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for Moen, within the category: House, Garden.


Digital advertisement created by Iris, Singapore for Earth Hour, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Agency Producer:Julia Ramos Audio advertisement created by, Brazil for Alpha FM, within the category: Media.


FCB has introduced ‘Mama Nature’, a no-nonsense Kiwi twist on Mother Nature, to help tackle litter. She’s still all about loving the planet and keeping New Zealand “Be-yooo-diful” but years of cleaning up after everyone has seen an end to her unconditional love. Unleashing the odd dose of natural-disaster onto litterers? Yeah, ‘Mama Nature’ can do that.
Film advertisement created by FCB, New Zealand for Keep New Zealand Beautiful, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by CP+B, United States for Letgo, within the category: Professional Services.


Digital advertisement created by RAM, Turkey for KIA, within the category: Automotive.


Klarafy 'translates' your personal musical tastes into classical music. It helps you to get to know classical music in an entirely new way. It’s not academic or chronological, but as personalised as you can imagine: it is based on your current musical tastes. Digital advertisement created by Famous, Belgium for Klara, within the category: Media.


IKEA is where life happens, whatever happens – and is not afraid to show it like it is. Living in two homes with divorced parents is a reality for many children in Sweden. Thanks to affordable products the parents in this film manages to ease the situation for the child. And IKEA perhaps also eases some bad conscience among single parents and helps acknowledge the children. Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for IKEA, within the category: House, Garden.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for ESPN, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by Copacino+Fujikado, United States for Seattle Mariners, within the category: Sports.


Traditions can emerge from anywhere. Especially when you have an Abuela. In these radio spots, we trace various Hispanic traditions back to their origin. Audio advertisement created by República, United States for Sedano's Supermarket, within the category: Retail Services.


Part of "La Costa Te Llama" series of videos designed and produced for Los Curricanes, a traditional fine dining restaurant and careful crafter of the most fresh seafood on the northeast of México. Film advertisement created by Analog, Mexico for Los Curricanes, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by DDB, France for Pilot, within the category: Office Equipment.


One woman’s night has ended, while another’s has just begun. In a frenzied, off-beat manner, the story evolves with staccato glimpses into each woman’s life, and comes full circle to tie all of their stories in. They wear pastel pink cami two-toned floral wrap rompers and oversized dark wash denim jackets, striped maxi dresses in bright, primary colours, aerobics gear, and off-shoulder smock dresses. Pomelo’s SS18 collection is as versatile as the women who wear it.


Film advertisement created by Chemistry, United States for Family Orthodontics, within the category: Professional Services.


As a brand that has been defined by genuine friendship and belonging, Castle has taken a far more purposeful approach to their sponsorship advertising. The new ad features no stadiums or players - the focus is squarely on sport’s innate ability to cut across all cultural, religious, economic and gender divides. Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, South Africa for Castle Lager, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.

Showing 49 out of 115