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Digital advertisement created by Buzzman, France for Canalplay, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by TBWA, United Arab Emirates for SOS Children's Villages, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by The Alchemy Partnership, Singapore for ABC Extra Stout, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Digital advertisement created by Y&R, Peru for Británico, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by MullenLowe Group, Australia for Magellan, within the category: Finance.


Outdoor advertisement created by Biborg, France for Netflix, within the category: Media.


Skating might not be the best thing on earth for your shoes. When skating, one of your shoes gets normally the worst part, while the other one remains almost intact. We wanted to give these survivor-shoes a good purpose, donating them to people that really need them, so they don’t end up thrown away along with their destroyed pair. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Nike, within the category: Fashion.


Digital advertisement created by Union, Canada for Mount Pleasant Group, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Cherkashin, within the category: Food.


Each year, over 100,000 children in Asia are born with cleft conditions, birth defects that turn the simple act of eating into a challenging task. In order to raise awareness of the situation, Smile Asia wanted people to empathize with the struggle these children go through every day. The Cleft Collection, a unique set of cutlery, was deliberately designed to change the way people eat so they can experience how difficult every meal is for children with cleft lip and palate. With the help of the Ritz-Carlton, the silverware was first unveiled at a dinner event. Unknowing guests were made to eat a four-course dinner with the collection, experiencing a small taste of the frustration children with the condition have to deal with at every meal. Experiential advertisement created by McCann, Singapore for Smile Asia, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Thanks to the partnership with HomeAway, Leroy Merlin chose some holiday homes with negative reviews and transformed them into new showrooms for its products, helping hosts to rent them more easily. This way Leroy Merlin’s logo became a guarantee of quality and style. Experiential advertisement created by Publicis, Italy for Leroy Merlin, within the category: House, Garden.


Film advertisement created by Y&R, Peru for League against cancer, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by The Marketing Arm, United States for Goodyear, within the category: Automotive.


"When Donald Trump was running for president, the New York Times published a list of every place he insulted on the campaign trail. When he got elected, I decided to embrace the new political landscape and insult him 282 times right back, one for every item on that list.



According to recent studies (Cambridge, at European Union level) The Czech Republic has been recorded as one of the most racist and nationalistic countries in Europe. Living here, we can say that the people are mostly accepting and nice. Unfortunately, people aren’t quite as nice online. The internet has become a breeding ground for awful, hateful messages, made worse by anonymity. Usually made toward those who are most vulnerable - the refugees. So, Nadace Varietas - the Czech NGO for an open society and supporting the integration of foreigners - decided to do something to challenge and change mentalities. “Hate Unplugged” – a project that evaluates all the negative energy wasted online (by writing hateful posts) and transforming it into positive by donating free electricity and data to the people in need (the exact people that were targeted by that hate online). 
Using a mixture of social listening and complex sentiment analysis tools, we monitored the internet for months, recording the most hateful comments and negative energy, and calculating how much energy was wasted in the process. Applying a simple algorithm (how much a human being consumes as energy in a hateful manifestation + the energy consumed by the device he used, multiplied by the number of hateful post we found every day = 259 300 watts per year! We used the equivalent of this “wasted” negative energy to donate it to the people in need – the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda, where we've build Hello Hubs (hubs that’ll give free electricity and data) with the help of the Hello World organisation. Digital advertisement created by McCann, Czechia for Hello Hub, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Traction, France for Citroën, within the category: Automotive.


Now you don’t have to decide. With Boxer Flex16 you can pick and choose your favourite TV channels and change for free each month. Film advertisement created by CP+B, Sweden for Boxer TV, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ambient advertisement created by Duval Guillaume, Belgium for Plan Belgium, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Integrated digital campaign launching “Wyborowa od Mistrza” – a premium craft sub brand of Wyborowa - Poland’s favorite vodka. Digital advertisement created by McCann, Poland for Pernod Ricard, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.

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