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Earlier this month, britvic ireland announced that club soft drinks would feature ron burgundy on over three million 500ml bottles of club orange, club diet, club rock shandy and club lemon in the run up to the irish release of anchorman 2. this week, Britvic ireland launched a tv ad, developed by chemistry, to support the campaign featuring a special announcement from Ron Burgundy. Film advertisement created by Chemistry, Ireland for Club Soft Drinks, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Thirty-two million children with disabilities around the world do not have access to school. And yet they have so much to give and so much talent to nurture. Teacher Kids is a school that’s open to the world, where everyone can learn from these children - a school where every child can be a teacher, in their own way. Like Neymar Jr, discover how much each child has to contribute and help them build a future for themselves by making it possible for them to go to school. Film advertisement created by Herezie, France for Humanity & Inclusion, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by McCann, United Kingdom for Wimbledon, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Digital advertisement created by Be Lucky, Taiwan for Asus, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Rosapark, France for ING, within the category: Finance.
Advertising agency Cactus has created an animated TV campaign aimed at driving awareness and purchases of various Scratch products in the Colorado Lottery’s portfolio. Lottery ads tend to focus on a single product, but the point of “Something for Everyone” is to show there’s a Scratch game for everyone. The four 15-second spots showcase several games, such as Crossword, Bingo and Poker, and inform viewers that Scratch tickets sell at seven price points ranging from $1 to $50 and that prizes span from $50 to $3 million. The work primarily targets light Lottery players who have the most potential for increasing their spending on Scratch tickets. Many people, who don’t normally play the Lottery throughout the year, buy or receive tickets as gifts during the holiday season (November to January). This fact offers the Colorado Lottery a chance to remind infrequent players how much fun they had playing the games and purchasing tickets. Core players are a secondary target. The Colorado Lottery launches 40 to 45 unique games each year and has 24 games available at any given time for quick-match addicts, strategic thinkers, math lovers and casino fans. Film advertisement created by Cactus, United States for Colorado Lottery, within the category: Gambling.
Film advertisement created by Conill, United States for Argentina New Cinema Film Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Childhood is characterized by playing, playing and playing; But what happens when, as a child, you must stop playing by going in search of your own food? Since 2016 in Venezuela a food shortage crisis has been generated, which forced entire families to go out in search of any type of food, which they did not always get. A piece of radio made with children, who suffer this situation day by day, seeks to make a call so that after 2 years this situation stops happening. Audio advertisement created by DLBGROUP, Venezuela for REDHNNA, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
From the beginning the Team of Us sponsorship has been about bringing fans and the Irish rugby team closer together. With the latest round of creative we deepen this notion through our “Who we are is how we play” campaign. The campaign gives a rare glimpse into the childhoods and upbringings of Rory Best, Tadhg Furlong, Conor Murray and Tiernan O’Halloran, showing how like all of us their surroundings have defined who they are as people – and who we are is how we play. Most of the scenes in the ads are based on actual events in the players’ lives. For example, the scenes with Tadhg Furlong and Conor Murray as kids, came for anecdotes that the players shared with us. Film advertisement created by Target McConnells, Ireland for Vodafone, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Hometown, United Kingdom for Bupa, within the category: Health.
Digital advertisement created by Buzzman, France for Burger King, within the category: Food.
Digital advertisement created by Bold Content Video, United Kingdom for SIGOMA, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Have you ever been informed by a mechanic that an oven mitt was found in your engine compartment? How about a dog bone or circus peanuts? Chances are… you haven’t. However, a few unsuspecting customers at an automotive repair shop, based in Buffalo, NY, can't say the same. Experiential advertisement created by Gelia, United States for Purolator, within the category: Automotive.
Passengers who flew Azul Airlines in December were invited to write Christmas cards and decorate Christmas trees when arriving at Viracopos International Airport. Then, the cards were attached to presents and sent to charity institutions. After that, we made a Christmas dinner that was served by some flight attendants. Following the concept of Coca-Cola TV spot “Christmas Rules”, we made an web video that highlights the affirmative values behind every rule, such as “Don't let your traditions fade away”, “Each present deserves a card”, “There is always room for one more” and “Anything Is Possible at Christmas”. With the slogan “rules have a special taste when we’re together”, we did an activation that turns into a video with more than 2 million views in one week. Experiential advertisement created by Geometry, Brazil for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
The new campaign of FAD (Help for Drug Addiction Foundation), a private non-profit Spanish institution with the fundamental mission to prevent the drug consumption and other risky behaviours of adolescents, appeals to breaking the stereotypes established over young people and empower them to become more than “what it is said”. There is said that young people do not involve with anything, they do not make an effort, they do not enjoy culture, they are all skaters and they spend the weekends partying, among others. But it is just what it is said, not real truth, not the real young. #TheRealYoung wants to break with all those false stereotypes. Visit, discover all the pieces and join us! Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Spain for FAD, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by Bleublancrouge, Canada for KLM, within the category: Transport.
Film advertisement created by Red Keds, Russia for Central Bank of Russia, within the category: Finance.
Ambient advertisement created by McCann, Albania for Ministry of Internal Affairs Albania, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.