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Selfie reveal
URL: http://selfiereveal.ubisoft.com A first-of-its-kind digital experience that uses cutting edge computer-learning technology to expose the risks of seemingly innocent selfies. The Selfie Reveal engine leverages a powerful machine learning platform to detect the image content of your selfie, then demonstrates how corporations, governments, and hackers could use this data against you. This platform can recognize your expressions, body language, facial details, location, emotional state and other physical objects in the photo that a proprietary algorithm uses to draw hypothetical conclusions that are displayed to the user. The site runs a selfie (or any photo) through artificial intelligence processers that can recognize certain objects and information contained in photos. It uses this information recognized by running itthrough custom algorithms and comparing it against publicly available databases to draw possible conclusions that are displayed to the user. Digital advertisement created by AKQA, United States for Ubisoft, within the category: Gaming.