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Certified Tailors
G-Star RAW introduces: G-Star RAW Certified Tailors. The campaign to extend the lifespan of your jeans, is developed in collaboration with The Family Amsterdam. G-Star RAW is launching a special tailor service in The Netherlands. In order to reduce your fashion footprint and stimulate consumers to get their jeans repaired, instead of throwing it away. Six local tailors have been trained and educated to denim experts, to make sure they can professionally repair your jeans when its broken. The service is offered for free to all customers in The Netherlands. The services will start as a pilot in The Netherlands. The six tailors are located in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven and Den Bosch. G-Star is taking all costs for the reparation on them. Certified Tailors is a sustainability initiative which is part of the running RAW Responsibility program. Integrated advertisement created by The Family Amsterdam, Netherlands for G-Star RAW, within the category: Fashion.