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Sound Penalty
Our campaign is a direct intervention in each one of Paradiso’s radio user’s app transmission. Whenever the listener is driving, the app measures their speed and the car’s location. This way, if the driver goes over the speed limit, the radio transmission is interrupted for this driver only and they receive the sound penalty. The penalty’s audio explains that the driver is over the speed limit and therefore will have to listen to one minute of Government Hour – the most tedious public radio program. When this minute is over, all the driver has to do is stay within the speed limit that the radio’s schedule go back to normal. The Government Hour is a standardized compulsory broadcast for all stations, which takes place at 7 pm every evening. This law exists for over 82 years, and is a nightmare for every Brazilian. Also, it is very relevant to consider that Rio de Janeiro’s traffic is the 8th worst in the world. Film advertisement created by 3yz, Brazil for Radio SulAmérica Paradiso FM, within the category: Electronics, Technology.