Art Switch Project
3.2 billion images are shared every day. Over 95 million photos are uploaded every day in Instagram. Today everyone can make some-sort-of-art in a second. Just snap a picture - filters and AI will do all dirty work for you. Lenovo wants to remind us about joy and fun of drawing not by tricky algorithms, but by own hands in 21 century. With Lenovo YOGA BOOK you can draw on screen, draw on paper, draw everywhere! To present its multifunctional benefits we collaborated with Bird in Flight (BiF), the biggest Ukrainian site about modern photography and visual culture, and professional illustrator. We asked an artist to recreate all photo content from BiFs main page. Then we added Art Switch - trigger that replaces all photos with artists illustrations on BiF's main page. Yep, firstly users reacted "WTF!!!", but changed their mind to "WOW that's cool!" while playing with Art Switch to compare photo & illustrations on site. In addition we created longread with interview and the video story about project with link to product page. Results in 24 hours x2.5 more traffic than average 184K+ total reach without paid media 4 mins — average contact time with branded longread. Digital advertisement created by NGN.AGENCY, Ukraine for Lenovo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.