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Search against violence

WVA 5 subscribers

Every fourth woman in Bulgaria is a victim of domestic violence. Fear and shame keep many of them from sharing their problems with a friend or seeking professional help. This is why hundreds of women turn to Google for help every day. Using Google tools we found that they search for terms like “is physical violence normal in a relationship”, “my boyfriend is abusive”, “can he insult me and love me at the same time?”. As we all know Google can be a misleading therapist. Organic search results are often ranked by how attractive the result is - not by how helpful it can be. We had to change that. As a brand which has supported women for decades, Avon stepped in to help those in need. This is why on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence we launched a campaign. We created hundreds of Google Search Ads for all the phrases women search for in regard to domestic violence. Digital advertisement created by proof., Bulgaria for Avon, within the category: Beauty.

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