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3D Activist: The Documentary

WVA 5 subscribers

A grieving father transforms his son’s murder into a national effort to establish better gun laws -- using the same 3-D printing tech churning out guns across the country. The film captures the creation of the world’s first 3D -printed activist, modeled on Joaquin “Guac” Oliver, one of 17 Parkland students killed in the 2018 mass shooting. Guac the 3-D activist travels from New York to South Africa, and to the steps of Congress in Washington D.C., to highlight the dangers of the lawful online distribution of 3-D gun blueprints. As Guac is transformed from victim to activist, he and his family work to safeguard our children from a government failing to provide them the safety and protection that should be their birthright. Film advertisement created by Alma, United States for Change the Ref, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

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