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Lufthansa was expanding its network to new long-haul sun destinations and the main goal was to attract as many relevant users from Europe as possible to book their overseas flight. For this purpose, we created and developed a Dreamscapes website that presented 7 new and attractive destinations where Lufthansa operates: Maldives, Mauritius, Cancún, Tampa, Panama, San Jose and Nairobi. In an effort to step away from the typical travel guide and sandy beaches content one would expect when presenting a vacation destination, we decided to introduce the unique, interesting and little-known facts about each destination. Of course, there’s no denying the pristine beaches and crystal clear ocean, but we chose to communicate them through visuals and focus the content on stories that would convey the spirit of the people and the destination. Digital advertisement created by Degordian, Croatia for Lufthansa, within the category: Transport.