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Give NOMA a face

WVA 5 subscribers
في France

As it does every year, Halloween comes at the end of October along with its parade of skeletons, vampires, ghosts and other monsters. But this year, people will discover a monster that really exists. A monster that’s not created by the expert hands of a makeup artist or the wizardry of special effects. A real monster that kills children after devouring their faces. This monster is called NOMA.Few know about the disease – images of it are generally blurred or censured because of their shocking nature – and so in order to increase public awareness, WNP is teaming up with Snapchat and NKI studio to create a lens enabling people to see what their face would look like with the disease. Or how to use the famous app to communicate a strong message about an evil that’s neither virtual nor temporary. Because while Snapchat transforms faces for fun and for a few seconds, Noma does it for real and forever. Digital advertisement created by WNP, France for Vaincre Noma, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

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