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Rhinofly Whosyabuddha.com
Whosyabuddah: From physical love to daily digital karma! Last friday on Buddha’s birthday we have launched Whosyabuddha. He drops hip hop flavored wisdom for those who give him physical love. If you rub his belly with a NFC-chip (RFID) he will send you some digital daily karma through Twitter to kickstart your day. To enter our headquarters in Utrecht (the Netherlands) we use an NFC-chip. That gave us the idea to give our collegeas something extra with their daily check-in. A small act of kindness besides a nice cup of coffee, that charges their karma before they start their workday. When you rub Whosyabuddha's belly with the NFC-chip, a public transport card or a mobile phone, an Arduino unit will read the chip. After this Whosyabuddha will search for the perfect wisdom in the holy database. Through text to speech hip hop flavored wisdom will be spoken by Whosyabuddha. Simultaneously, a tweet will be sent via the Twitter API to the person in question. From thuglife to huglife! Give it a try and pay us a visit or send a tweet to @whosyabuddha. Smacking daily karma in ya face! Digital advertisement created by Rhinofly, Netherlands for Rhinofly, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.