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The Monstersi
Three animated friends fighting for Internet and real-life fame. What price will they pay for fame, celebrity, and “pity likes”? Platige Image has commenced development on Los Monsteros, a scathing and ironic satire on fame in the age of social media stardom directed by Aliaksandr “Sasza” Kanavalau. Produced by Platige Image, the first trailer teases the thirteen-episode-long run of a new TV series called Los Monsteros. It’s a slightly acerbic tale exploring the lives of three protagonists: Boni, Sprej, and Deafian, all of whom are real-world teenagers doing what teens aged 16-19 do best—running their social media profiles like pros. Each one has a different personality, a different set of interests and passions. All of them, however, are united in the pursuit of their common goal—reaching the lofty heights of stardom. Film advertisement created by Platige Image, Poland for Los Monsteros, within the category: TV Promos.