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The unexpected choir
JWT, Brazil have promoted a beautiful action: A choir made by twelve laryngectomy patients, victims of cigarette, have surprised the audience of MASP’s auditorium that was waiting for the USP (São Paulo University) Choir, one of the most famous of São Paulo city. Created for A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, the action was about having the songs “All you need is Love” and “She loves you”, dos Beatles, interpreted by the patients. The objective was to aware people about the main risk factor of larynx cancer: smoking. Accompanied by audiologists from the institution, the patients that integrate the “Sua Voz Choir” (most of them with more than 60 years old) used esophageal voice, prosthesis, electronic larynx (vibrator), oral speech and sound’s articulations. Ambient advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for ACCamargo Cancer Center, within the category: Health.